
Cherrill The finger print system at Scotland Yard

Réf. article: 8417

A practical treatise on finger print identification for the use of students and experts and a guide for the use of investigators when dealing with imprints left at the scenes of crime.


Librairie de sec​onde-main

A practical treatise on finger print identification for the use of students and experts and a guide for the use of investigators when dealing with imprints left at the scenes of crime.

Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1954, 1° ed, 173p, illustrated, hardcover with dust jacket, jacket worn

Part I - The Henry System; Part II - Single Finger Print and Scenes of Crime Collection; Part III - Finger Prints and Palm Prints Left at Scenes of Crime with Suggestions as to Their Detection and Preservation; Part IV - Photography of Scenes of Crime Prints; Part V - Methods of Taking Finger, Palm and Sole Prints; Part VI - Radio Transmission of Finger Prints. Profusely Illus. + Charts.

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Cherrill The finger print system at Scotland Yard

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