
De Dijn Spinoza, the way to wisdom

Artikelnr: 6954

Purdue University Press, History of philosophy


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Purdue University Press, History of philosophy, 1996, 291p, paperback, klein kreukje links bovenaan, zeer goede staat

The philosophy of Baruch Spinoza (1632-77) is an unusual, highly original, and influential reaction to the transition of Western culture to the modern age. According to Spinoza, modern scientific thinking, if thought through, leads to a denial of humanity as the center of creation, willed by a personal God. It is Spinoza who first formulated a philosophy which shows that modern scientific thinking, and the modern metaphysical view of humanity and the world that it gives rise to, does not have to lead to despair. He understood that engaging seriously in detached philosophical thinking could lead to an unexpected form of intellectual salvation.

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De Dijn Spinoza, the way to wisdom

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