
Sacred Threads Ceremonial textiles of Southeast Asia

Artikelnr: 8683

Ceremonial textiles, which are part and parcel of the cultural rites in societies throughout Southeast Asia, were the focus of an exhibition curated by the Textile Friends of Singapore at the Asian Civilizations Museum from November 2001 to March 2002.


onafhankelijke tweedehandsboekhandel met persoonlijke service

Ceremonial textiles, which are part and parcel of the cultural rites in societies throughout Southeast Asia, were the focus of an exhibition curated by the Textile Friends of Singapore at the Asian Civilizations Museum from November 2001 to March 2002.

1° ed, 66p, paperback, illustrated, zeer goede staat

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Sacred Threads Ceremonial textiles of Southeast Asia

Aanbevolen artikelen:

De Lucchin, Michele
Abbeville Press Publishers 2001, 1° ed, linnen hardcover m.o., in nieuwstaat this unique showcase remains the most authoritative guide to...
Ministerie van buitenlandse zaken Japan, 1971, 1° druk, zachte kaft met stofomslag / stofomslag licht onfris, NL/FR
Van Den Bussche, Willy
Provinciaal Museum Constant Permeke, 1982, 1° druk, tentoonstellingscatalogus, geïllustreerd, paperback, zeer goede staat Na zijn...
catalogus bij de tentoonstelling in het Haags Gemeentemuseum, 1983, 1° druk, 224p, geïllustreerd, pagina's 214 en 215 zijn...
Dhanens, Elisabeth
Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, Inventaris van het kunstpatrimonium van Oost-Vlaanderen deel XI, 1980, 1° druk, geïllustreerd, paperback,...
Sturm, James L
Treasures to Be Seen in New York EP Dutton, 1982, 1° ed, 152p, illustrated, with notes - bibliography - index, paperback, excellent condition

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